9 февр. 2022 г.2 мин. чтения
My Approach to Investing - An Introduction by Peter Lorange
There shall be a total of 8 notes, including this, coming from me (Dr. Peter Lorange) regarding my experience in building a robust...
9 февр. 2022 г.2 мин. чтения
Takeaways from John C. Camillus's Wicked Strategies by Peter Lorange
This is a very important book offering advice when it comes to coping in an increasingly complex, uncertain and unpredictable world. The...
9 февр. 2022 г.2 мин. чтения
Key Criteria for Investing in Ventures
Upon selling your company, or as a profiled investor, you will often be approached by entrepreneurs seeking capital for new ventures....
9 февр. 2022 г.3 мин. чтения
Managing Your Portfolio - Input to Forming Your Ideal Portfolio by Peter Lorange
As already noted, my investment portfolio came about more as a process of happening rather than as a result of explicit planning. Still,...